

An Adaptive Algorithm for Information Dissemination in Self-Organizing Grids

14 years 9 months ago
An Adaptive Algorithm for Information Dissemination in Self-Organizing Grids
Effective scheduling in large-scale computational grids is challenging because it requires tracking the dynamic state of the large number of distributed resources that comprise the grid. Classical distributed information dissemination approaches such as push, pull, and their combinations, are not well suited to the problem of resource tracking, where resources are redundant and full information about all resources everywhere is neither necessary nor desirable. Aggregated, partial, or probabilistic forwarding protocols result in more efficient (but incomplete) dissemination, while maintaining sufficient information to enable effective scheduling. However, a static approach to dissemination in which all information is treated identically, is ineffective in the presence of spatial and temporal non-uniformity of resources and demands. For example, a single forwarding probability for gossipping-based dissemination may result in unnecessarily high overhead in some areas of the grid. Moreo...
Deger Cenk Erdil, Michael J. Lewis, Nael B. Abu-Gh
Added 11 Jun 2010
Updated 11 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Deger Cenk Erdil, Michael J. Lewis, Nael B. Abu-Ghazaleh
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