

A Landmark Paper in Face Recognition

14 years 8 months ago
A Landmark Paper in Face Recognition
Good registration (alignment to a reference) is essential for accurate face recognition. The effects of the number of landmarks on the mean localization error and the recognition performance are studied. Two landmarking methods are explored and compared for that purpose: (1) the Most Likely-Landmark Locator (MLLL), based on maximizing the likelihood ratio [2], and (2) Viola-Jones detection [14]. Both use the locations of facial features (eyes, nose, mouth, etc) as landmarks. Further, a landmark-correction method (BILBO) based on projection into a subspace is introduced. The MLLL has been trained for locating 17 landmarks and the Viola-Jones method for 5. The mean localization errors and effects on the verification performance have been measured. It was found that on the eyes, the Viola-Jones detector is about 1% of the interocular distance more accurate than the MLLL-BILBO combination. On the nose and mouth, the MLLL-BILBO combination is about 0.5% of the inter-ocular distance more a...
G. M. Beumer, Qian Tao, Asker M. Bazen, Raymond N.
Added 11 Jun 2010
Updated 11 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where FGR
Authors G. M. Beumer, Qian Tao, Asker M. Bazen, Raymond N. J. Veldhuis
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