

Towards Composition as a Service - A Quality of Service Driven Approach

15 years 4 months ago
Towards Composition as a Service - A Quality of Service Driven Approach
Software as a Service (SaaS) and the possibility to compose Web services provisioned over the Internet are important assets for a service-oriented architecture (SOA). However, the complexity and time for developing and provisioning a composite service is very high and it is generally an error-prone task. In this paper we address these issues by describing a semi-automated "Composition as a Service" (CAAS) approach combined with a domain-specific language called VCL (Vienna Composition Language). The proposed approach facilitates rapid development and provisioning of composite services by specifying what to compose in a constraint-hierarchy based way using VCL. Invoking the composition service triggers the composition process and upon success the newly composed service is immediately deployed and available. This solution requires no client-side composition infrastructure because it is transparently encapsulated in the CAAS infrastructure.
Florian Rosenberg, Philipp Leitner, Anton Michlmay
Added 20 Oct 2009
Updated 20 Oct 2009
Type Conference
Year 2009
Where ICDE
Authors Florian Rosenberg, Philipp Leitner, Anton Michlmayr, Predrag Celikovic, Schahram Dustdar
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