

On Decoding, Mutual Information, and Antenna Selection Diversity for Quasi-Orthogonal STBC with Minimum Decoding Complexity

14 years 8 months ago
On Decoding, Mutual Information, and Antenna Selection Diversity for Quasi-Orthogonal STBC with Minimum Decoding Complexity
Abstract— ABBA codes are an important class of quasiorthogonal space-time block codes proposed by Tirkkonen et al.. Recently, they have become more attractive for practical applications because Yuen et al. have shown that ABBA codes allow pair-wise real-symbol decoding (or equivalently, single-complex symbol decoding) complexity; it is the minimum decoding complexity (MDC) achievable by any non-OSTBC. Additionally, MDC-ABBA codes can achieve full diversity while their code rate is higher than that of OSTBC. In this paper, we present a new, general, simple, and closed-form method to decode MDC-ABBA codes. We explicitly derive the equivalent channel of MDC-ABBA codes and the maximum mutual information of MDC-ABBA. Furthermore, we prove that MDC-ABBA codes can achieve full diversity with transmit and/or receive antenna selection and full or limited feedback.
Dung Ngoc Dao, Chintha Tellambura
Added 11 Jun 2010
Updated 11 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Dung Ngoc Dao, Chintha Tellambura
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