

Increasing Relevance of Smoking Cessation Messages in an Online Software Agent Environment

14 years 9 months ago
Increasing Relevance of Smoking Cessation Messages in an Online Software Agent Environment
An online software agent that helps smokers quit was designed and tested. We created a library of categorized smoking cessation messages using meta-data corresponding to the Stages of Change Theory. A feedback process was developed that used individual participant’s relevance ratings and a message similarity search algorithm. A pilot study of university students who smoke or had recently quit was performed. Participants were randomly assigned to one of three groups: one received generic, non-tailored messages; another received tailored messages based on their answers to questions about their smoking and quitting behavior; and another received messages selected through tailoring and feedback. In the feedback-driven group, participants reported relevance of the messages received averaged higher than the other two groups. There was also a highly significant correlation in this group between relevance and social presence, which indicates the “feeling” of interacting in an interperso...
Todd Shimoda, Linda Stapel
Added 11 Jun 2010
Updated 11 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Todd Shimoda, Linda Stapel
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