

Content-based Dissemination of Fragmented XML Data

14 years 9 months ago
Content-based Dissemination of Fragmented XML Data
Content-based dissemination of data using pub/sub systems is an effective means to deliver relevant data to interested data consumers. With the emergence of XML as the standard for data representation and exchange, a lot of attention has been focused on pub/sub systems for XML-based dissemination, where subscriptions are specified using more expressive XML-based languages (e.g., XPath). In this paper, we address the problem of matching XPath-based subscriptions on fragmented XML data, which is motivated by both the prevalance of resource-constrained mobile devices for accessing/monitoring data as well as by the optimization opportunities from processing data in terms of fragments. We investigate efficient strategies to schedule and optimize the evaluation of XPath-based subscriptions on XML fragments. Our experimental results not only demonstrate the effectiveness of our proposed optimizations but also reveal several interesting performance tradeoffs.
Chee Yong Chan, Yuan Ni
Added 11 Jun 2010
Updated 11 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Chee Yong Chan, Yuan Ni
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