

Location-based Spatial Queries with Data Sharing in Mobile Environments

14 years 6 months ago
Location-based Spatial Queries with Data Sharing in Mobile Environments
Mobile clients feature increasingly sophisticated wireless networking support that enables realtime information exchange with remote databases. Location-dependent queries, such as determining the proximity of stationary objects (e.g., restaurants and gas stations) are an important class of inquiries. We present a novel approach to support nearest-neighbor queries from mobile hosts by leveraging the sharing capabilities of wireless ad-hoc networks. We illustrate how previous query results cached in the local storage of neighboring mobile peers can be leveraged to either fully or partially compute and verify spatial queries at a local host. The feasibility and appeal of our technique is illustrated through extensive simulation results that indicate a considerable reduction of the query load on the remote database. Furthermore, the scalability of our approach is excellent because a higher density of mobile hosts increases its effectiveness.
Wei-Shinn Ku, Roger Zimmermann
Added 11 Jun 2010
Updated 11 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ICDE
Authors Wei-Shinn Ku, Roger Zimmermann
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