

GCA: A Coclustering Algorithm for Thalamo-Cortico-Thalamic Connectivity Analysis

14 years 8 months ago
GCA: A Coclustering Algorithm for Thalamo-Cortico-Thalamic Connectivity Analysis
The reciprocal connectivity between the cerebral cortex and the thalamus in a human brain is involved in consciousness and related to various brain disorders, thus, in-vivo analysis of this connectivity is critically important for brain diagnosis and surgery planning. While existing work either focuses on fiber tracking analysis or on thalamic nuclei segmentation, to our best knowledge, no techniques yet exist for performing in-vivo analysis of thalamo-corticothalamic connectivity. In this paper, (i) we propose a new partitioning paradigm, called coclustering, to model this problem. In contrast to the traditional clustering paradigm, a coclustering procedure not only simultaneously partitions cortical voxels and thalamic voxels into groups, but also identifies the corresponding strong connectivities between the two classes of groups; (ii) we develop the first coclustering algorithm, Genetic Coclustering Algorithm (GCA), to solve the coclustering problem; and (iii) we apply GCA to p...
Cui Lin, Shiyong Lu, Xuwei Liang, Jing Hua
Added 11 Jun 2010
Updated 11 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ICDM
Authors Cui Lin, Shiyong Lu, Xuwei Liang, Jing Hua
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