

A Conceptual Framework for Business Process Engineering: A Case Study

14 years 9 months ago
A Conceptual Framework for Business Process Engineering: A Case Study
— this paper discusses a conceptual framework for the requirements engineering process for e-school applications offering a service to the information society. The e-school application is considered a fusion of the electronic business and mobile business contexts, containing three dynamic Webinterfaces and an SMS-interface. Implementation of this service requires changes in the school business process it supports. This paper presents a requirements engineering framework which aims at resolving the feedback loop between the application and the business process. The presented framework has been defined in order to help simultaneously develop an application which provides the service and ensures the necessary identification of school business process changes and their models. The framework also provides a mechanism for efficient service deployment and its future evolution without adverse effects on the underlying business process. Presented is a case study for an e-school notification s...
Zeljka Car, Hrvoje Belani, Antun Caric
Added 11 Jun 2010
Updated 11 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Zeljka Car, Hrvoje Belani, Antun Caric
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