

One Touch Logon: Replacing Multiple Passwords with Single Fingerprint Recognition

14 years 8 months ago
One Touch Logon: Replacing Multiple Passwords with Single Fingerprint Recognition
— User authentication is still heavily reliant on the use of passwords, and the security problems associated with passwords are becoming more and more serious. The main causes of these problems are the prevalence of password sniffing and the difficulty of password management due to the increased number of accessible systems. In this paper, we propose a personal password management system called "One Touch Logon”, which replaces the annoying password-based authentication systems with a simple touch-and-login method. The effectiveness of the proposed system is demonstrated by implementing it on widely-used legacy systems such as Microsoft Windows and Web site logons. This mechanism is easy to implement and integrate with current password-based systems through the use of an inexpensive consumer electronic device allowing for fingerprint recognition. Moreover, eliminating the burden of memorizing multiple passwords enables the user to choose hard-to-guess passwords and further inc...
Beomsoo Park, Sungjin Hong, Jaewook Oh, Heejo Lee,
Added 11 Jun 2010
Updated 11 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Beomsoo Park, Sungjin Hong, Jaewook Oh, Heejo Lee, Yoojae Won
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