

Density-Based vs. Proximity-Based Anycast Routing for Mobile Networks

14 years 9 months ago
Density-Based vs. Proximity-Based Anycast Routing for Mobile Networks
— Existing anycast routing protocols solely route packets to the closest group member. In this paper, we introduce density-based anycast routing, a new anycast routing strategy particularly suitable for unstable networks. Instead of routing packets merely on proximity information to the closest member, density-based anycast routing considers the number of available anycast group members for its routing decision. To evaluate the benefits of densitybased routing, we present a unified model to analyze pure proximitybased, pure density-based, as well as combined routing strategies. With an extensive simulation study, we then evaluate these strategies in multiple mobile scenarios. The two main results are that (i) density-based routing increases the probability of successful packet delivery when the network is unstable; and (ii) for particular mobile scenarios, density-based routing finds even shorter routes compared to traditional proximity-based routing. Finally, we discuss implement...
Vincent Lenders, Martin May, Bernhard Plattner
Added 11 Jun 2010
Updated 11 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Vincent Lenders, Martin May, Bernhard Plattner
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