High-performance multiprocessor systems built around out-of-order processors with aggressive branch predictors execute many memory references that turn out to be on a mispredicted branch path. Previous work that focused on uniprocessors showed that these wrong-path memory references may pollute the caches by bringing in data that are not needed on the correct execution path and by evicting useful data or instructions. Additionally, they may also increase the amount of cache and memory traffic. On the positive side, however, they may have a prefetching effect for memory references on the correct path. While computer architects have thoroughly studied the impact of wrong-path effects in uniprocessor systems, there is no previous work on its effects in multiprocessor systems. In this paper, we explore the effects of wrongpath memory references on the memory system behavior of shared-memory multiprocessor (SMP) systems for both broadcast and directory-based cache coherence. Our results sh...
Resit Sendag, Ayse Yilmazer, Joshua J. Yi, Augustu