

Experience Based Imitation Using RNNPB

14 years 8 months ago
Experience Based Imitation Using RNNPB
—Robot imitation is a useful and promising alternative to robot programming. Robot imitation involves two crucial issues. The first is how a robot can imitate a human whose physical structure and properties differ greatly from its own. The second is how the robot can generate various motions from finite programmable patterns (generalization). This paper describes a novel approach to robot imitation based on its own physical experiences. We considered the target task of moving an object on a table. For imitation, we focused on an active sensing process in which the robot acquires the relation between the object’s motion and its own arm motion. For generalization, we applied the RNNPB (recurrent neural network with parametric bias) model to enable recognition/generation of imitation motions. The robot associates the arm motion which reproduces the observed object’s motion presented by a human operator. Experimental results proved the generalization capability of our method, which...
Ryunosuke Yokoya, Tetsuya Ogata, Jun Tani, Kazunor
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where IROS
Authors Ryunosuke Yokoya, Tetsuya Ogata, Jun Tani, Kazunori Komatani, Hiroshi G. Okuno
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