

Kinematic Design Optimization of an Actuated Carrier for the DLR Multi-Arm Surgical System

14 years 8 months ago
Kinematic Design Optimization of an Actuated Carrier for the DLR Multi-Arm Surgical System
— In this paper, a generic approach to optimize the design of an actuated carrier for the DLR multi-arm surgical system is presented. The carrier is attached to the ceiling of the operating room and provides additional degrees of freedom to the surgical robots with the purpose of automatic, optimal positioning of their bases as well as guaranteeing high stiffness. Standard workspaces of minimally invasive as well as open surgical procedures are considered and optimization criteria are derived. The minimum necessary degrees of freedom of the carrier are obtained as well as the optimal segment dimensions by use of an optimization with genetic algorithms.
Rainer Konietschke, Tobias Ortmaier, Ulrich Hagn,
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where IROS
Authors Rainer Konietschke, Tobias Ortmaier, Ulrich Hagn, Gerd Hirzinger, Silvia Frumento
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