

Development of a Facial Expression Imitation System

14 years 8 months ago
Development of a Facial Expression Imitation System
— In the last decade, face analysis, e.g. face recognition, face detection, face tracking and facial expression recognition, is a very lively and expanding research field. As computer animated agents and robots bring a social dimension to human computer interaction, interest in this research field is increasing rapidly. In this paper, we introduce an artificial facial expression mimic system which can recognize facial expressions of human and also imitate the recognized facial expressions. We propose a classifier that is based on weak classifiers obtained by using modified rectangular features to recognize human facial expression in real-time. Next, we introduce our robot that is manipulated by a distributed control algorithm and that can make artificial facial expressions. Finally, experimental results of facial expression recognition and facial expression generation are shown for the validity of our artificial facial expression imitator. Keywords- facial expression recognition; Ada...
Do Hyoung Kim, Sung-Uk Jung, Kwang Ho An, Hui Sung
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where IROS
Authors Do Hyoung Kim, Sung-Uk Jung, Kwang Ho An, Hui Sung Lee, Myung Jin Chung
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