The Conditional Random Fields (CRF) model, using
patch-based classification bound with context information,
has recently been widely adopted for image segmentation/
labeling. In this paper, we propose three components
for improving the speed and accuracy, and illustrate them
on a recently developed auto-context algorithm [28]: (1)
a new coding scheme for multiclass classification, named
data-assisted output code (DAOC); (2) a scale-space approach
to make it less sensitive to geometric scale change;
and (3) a region-based voting scheme to make it faster and
more accurate at object boundaries. The proposed multiclass
classifier, DAOC, is general and particularly appealing
when the number of class becomes large since it needs a
minimal number of log2 k binary classifiers for k classes.
We show advantages of the DAOC classifier over the existing
algorithms on several Irvine repository datasets, as well
as vision applications. Combining DAOC, the scale-space
approach, and...