

Performance Optimization of All-Terrain Robots: A 2D Quasi-Static Tool

14 years 8 months ago
Performance Optimization of All-Terrain Robots: A 2D Quasi-Static Tool
- The creation of a rover for a specific task requires designing and selecting the mechanical structure specifically for its mission. This can be done by modelling a chassis and evaluating it with specific criteria, which is the aim of the Performance Optimization Tool presented here. This Software makes it possible to compare and improve existing and new designs in a quick and efficient way. The tool presented in this paper is based on a quasi-static approach including optimization of the friction coefficients to model and evaluate the rover.
Ambroise Krebs, Thomas Thueer, Stephane Michaud, R
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where IROS
Authors Ambroise Krebs, Thomas Thueer, Stephane Michaud, Roland Siegwart
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