

Attentional Landmark Selection for Visual SLAM

14 years 9 months ago
Attentional Landmark Selection for Visual SLAM
— In this paper, we introduce a new method to automatically detect useful landmarks for visual SLAM. A biologically motivated attention system detects regions of interest which “pop-out” automatically due to strong contrasts and the uniqueness of features. This property makes the regions easily redetectable and thus they are useful candidates for visual landmarks. Matching based on scene prediction and feature similarity allows not only short-term tracking of the regions, but also redetection in loop closing situations. The paper demonstrates how regions are determined and how they are matched reliably. Various experimental results on real-world data show that the landmarks are useful with respect to be tracked in consecutive frames and to enable closing loops.
Simone Frintrop, Patric Jensfelt, Henrik I. Christ
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where IROS
Authors Simone Frintrop, Patric Jensfelt, Henrik I. Christensen
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