

On Cache Prefetching Strategies For Integrated Infostation-Cellular Network

14 years 9 months ago
On Cache Prefetching Strategies For Integrated Infostation-Cellular Network
Infostations provide an inexpensive and high speed wireless disseminator that features discontinuous coverage by bounding many low cost, limited transmission range and high-bandwidth local wireless stations over an extended terrain. In this paper, we provide a system model in which several infostations are placed within the coverage area of a low bandwidth wide-area cellular network to form an Integrated Infostation-Cellular Network (IICN). In this model, the infostation continuously broadcasts data to its clients, while cellular network provides information to clients via explicit requests from clients. Based on this new model, we proposed a prefetching scheme that is capable of selectively prefetching information at client’s local storage. From experimental results, the proposed model and technique show a reduction in number of requests made via expensive cellular network, thereby alleviating cost of wireless data access. Moreover, since the number of requests is reduced, the load...
Jerry Chun-Ping Wang, Hossam ElGindy, Justin Lipma
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where LCN
Authors Jerry Chun-Ping Wang, Hossam ElGindy, Justin Lipman
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