

Detailed audiovisual profile: enabling interoperability between MPEG-7 based systems

14 years 9 months ago
Detailed audiovisual profile: enabling interoperability between MPEG-7 based systems
MPEG-7 is an excellent choice for the description of audiovisual content due to its flexibility and comprehensiveness. The drawback is that these properties also increase the complexity of descriptions and cause ambiguities which hinder interoperability. In order to partly solve these problems, profiles and levels have been proposed, but the definitions of the adopted profiles lack semantic constraints which are necessary for interoperability. We propose a profile for detailed description of audiovisual content that can be used in a broad range of applications. The profile aims at describing single multimedia content entities, allowing a comprehensive structural description of the content, including also audio and visual feature descriptions. The profile defines a set of semantic constraints on the selected tools, which resolve ambiguities in modeling the description and support system interoperability. The proposed profile has been successfully used in a wide range of applications.
Werner Bailer, Peter Schallauer
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where MMM
Authors Werner Bailer, Peter Schallauer
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