

Real-Time Measurement of End-to-End Available Bandwidth using Kalman Filtering

14 years 8 months ago
Real-Time Measurement of End-to-End Available Bandwidth using Kalman Filtering
—This paper presents a new method, BART (Bandwidth Available in Real-Time), for estimating the end-toend available bandwidth over a network path. It estimates bandwidth quasi-continuously, in real-time. The method has also been implemented as a tool. It relies on self-induced congestion, and repeatedly samples the available bandwidth of the network path with sequences of probe packet pairs, sent at randomized rates. BART requires little computation in each iteration, is lightweight with respect to memory requirements, and adds only a small amount of probe traffic. The BART method uses Kalman filtering, which enables real-time estimation (a.k.a. tracking). It maintains a current estimate, which is incrementally improved with each new measurement of the inter-packet time separations in a sequence of probe packet pairs. The measurement model has a strong non-linearity, and would not at first sight be considered suitable for Kalman filtering, but we show how this non-linearity can be han...
Svante Ekelin, Martin Nilsson, Erik Hartikainen, A
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where NOMS
Authors Svante Ekelin, Martin Nilsson, Erik Hartikainen, Andreas Johnsson, Jan-Erik Mangs, Bob Melander, Mats Björkman
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