Multiprocessor systems present serious challenges in the design of real-time systems due to the wider variation of execution time of an instruction sequence compared to a uniprocessor system. Even if non-determinism is tightly controlled by adding conventional QoS support, it is generally difficult to find the minimal hardware resource request settings (e.g., memory bandwidth) for a given user-level performance goal (e.g., transactions per second). In this paper, we introduce the METERG (Measurement-Time Enforcement and Run-Time Guarantee) QoS system that provides an easy method of obtaining a tight estimate of the lower bound on end-to-end performance for a given configuration of resource reservations. Every QoS-capable block in the METERG system supports two operation modes for each task requiring QoS: enforcement mode for estimating the lower bound on a task’s execution time and deployment mode for maximizing its performance. We evaluate the effectiveness of our approach with ...
Jae W. Lee, Krste Asanovic