

Mutual Consistency in Real-Time Databases

14 years 9 months ago
Mutual Consistency in Real-Time Databases
A real-time database is composed of real-time objects whose values remain valid only within their validity intervals. Each object in the database models a real world entity. The freshness of these objects is maintained by update transactions that sample the real world entities. The literature proposes various ways to derive a schedule of transactions that preserves the freshness (also known as absolute consistency) of these objects. But these approaches do not take care of the mutual consistency of the objects, i.e., whether together they represent a logical state of the system. We investigate the problem of checking whether, given an update transaction schedule, a periodic query would be able to read mutually consistent values. We propose solutions for both single- and multiple-query cases in the presence of non-preemptable query executions. Specifically, we first investigate formulas that give the maximal value of mutual gaps among a set of data read at a certain point in time. (A...
Abhay Kumar Jha, Ming Xiong, Krithi Ramamritham
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where RTSS
Authors Abhay Kumar Jha, Ming Xiong, Krithi Ramamritham
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