

An Authentication Service Based on Trust and Clustering in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks: Description and Security Evaluation

14 years 8 months ago
An Authentication Service Based on Trust and Clustering in Wireless Ad Hoc Networks: Description and Security Evaluation
Security in wireless ad hoc networks is hard to achieve due to the vulnerability of its links, limited physical protection, and the absence of a centralized management point. Consequently, novel approaches are necessary to address the security problem without sacrificing the essential properties of the wireless ad hoc network. Similar to other distributed systems, security in wireless ad hoc networks usually relies on the use of key management mechanisms. In this paper, we present a distributed public key authentication service to protect the network containing malicious and colluding nodes. Our solution was built on a clusteringbased network model and a trust model. These models allow mobile hosts to monitor and rate each other with an authentication metric. We also propose a new system of public key certification in conjunction with a trust value update algorithm. Our authentication service is able to discover and isolate malicious and colluding nodes in the network. Finally, we p...
Edith C. H. Ngai, Michael R. Lyu
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where SUTC
Authors Edith C. H. Ngai, Michael R. Lyu
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