

Adaptive Resource Allocation Based on Channel Information in Multihop OFDM Systems

14 years 8 months ago
Adaptive Resource Allocation Based on Channel Information in Multihop OFDM Systems
— In this paper, we investigate the adaptive resource allocation problem in multiuser multihop OFDM systems. Assuming that base station(BS) knows all channel information, we formulate capacity maximization problem(CMP) and fairness constrained capacity maximization problem(FCMP) for adaptive resource allocation. The CMP considers joint subchannel, power and path allocation problem for maximizing the system capacity, while the FCMP considers the same problem with guaranteeing a minimum number of subchannels for each user. The proposed optimization problems are productive, because BS can allocate the subchannel, power and routing path to MSs by solving one optimization problem. Since these optimizations should be performed in real time, we propose two efficient heuristic algorithms, one of which considers CMP and the other considers FCMP. In the heuristic algorithms, we separate the optimization problem into three steps, namely subchannel allocation, load balancing, and power distribu...
ChiSung Bae, Dong-Ho Cho
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where VTC
Authors ChiSung Bae, Dong-Ho Cho
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