

On the Peak Factor of Sampled and Continuous Signals

14 years 7 months ago
On the Peak Factor of Sampled and Continuous Signals
Abstract: The peak factor of a continuous digitallymodulated signal is often analyzed from its samples taken at the Nyquist rate. This, however, may involve a significant error. It has been claimed, based on an illustrative example, that the peak factor of a continuous signal may be arbitrary large while the peak factor of the corresponding sampled signal is limited [10]. A validity of this example has been questioned in [11,13] based on a flaw in [10]. In this paper, we demonstrate that the original illustrative example requires a small modification only to remove the flaw. It is also demonstrated that the continuous peak factor, in its traditional definition, may be arbitrary large while the sampled peak factor and the signal energy are bounded. An upper bound on the continuous peak factor of a BPSK sequence is derived.
Sergey Loyka, François Gagnon
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where VTC
Authors Sergey Loyka, François Gagnon
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