

Simulation of Throughput in UMTS Networks with Different Spreading Factors

14 years 9 months ago
Simulation of Throughput in UMTS Networks with Different Spreading Factors
— We design and implement a local session1 admission control (SAC) algorithm for third-generation wireless networks which allows for the simulation of network throughput for different spreading factors and various mobility scenarios. The design of the SAC algorithm uses global information; it incorporates the session arrival rates and the user mobilities across the network and guarantees the users’ quality of service as well as prespecified blocking probabilities. On the other hand, its implementation in each cell uses local information; it only requires the number of sessions currently active in that cell. A global SAC algorithm is also implemented and used as a benchmark since it is inherently optimized and uses global information in making every session admission decision; it yields the best possible performance but has an intensive computational complexity. Using simulation, we determine the network throughput, and show that our optimized local SAC algorithm achieves almost th...
Robert Akl, Anurag Arepally
Added 12 Jun 2010
Updated 12 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where VTC
Authors Robert Akl, Anurag Arepally
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