

Solving Probabilistic Combinatorial Games

14 years 9 months ago
Solving Probabilistic Combinatorial Games
Probabilistic combinatorial games (PCG) are a model for Go-like games recently introduced by Ken Chen. They differ from normal combinatorial games since terminal position in each subgame are evaluated by a probability distribution. The distribution expresses the uncertainty in the local evaluation. This paper focuses on the analysis and solution methods for a special case, 1-level binary PCG. Monte-Carlo analysis is used for move ordering in an exact solver, that can compute the winning probability of a PCG efficiently. Monte-Carlo interior evaluation is used in a heuristic player. Experimental results show that both types of Monte-Carlo methods work very well in this problem.
Ling Zhao, Martin Müller 0003
Added 13 Jun 2010
Updated 13 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where ACG
Authors Ling Zhao, Martin Müller 0003
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