

Assessment of Motivation in Online Learning Environments

14 years 8 months ago
Assessment of Motivation in Online Learning Environments
This research outline refers to the assessment of motivation in online learning environments. It includes a presentation of previous approaches, most of them based on Keller’s ARCS model, and argues for an approach based on Social Cognitive Learning Theory, in particular building on self-efficacy and self-regulation concepts. The research plan includes two steps: first, detect the learners in danger of dropping-out based on their interaction with the system; second, create a model of the learner’s motivation (including self-efficacy, selfregulation, goal orientation, attribution and perceived task characteristics) upon which intervention can be done.
Mihaela Cocea
Added 13 Jun 2010
Updated 13 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where AH
Authors Mihaela Cocea
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