

Combining Adaptive Hypermedia Techniques and Ontology Reasoning to Produce Dynamic Personalized News Services

14 years 6 months ago
Combining Adaptive Hypermedia Techniques and Ontology Reasoning to Produce Dynamic Personalized News Services
Abstract. Applying traditional Adaptive Hypermedia techniques to the personalization of news can pose a number of problems. The first main difficulty is the fact that news is inherently dynamic, thus producing an ever shifting pool from which content can be sourced. The second difficulty arises when trying to model a users interests and how they may be related to the available news items. This paper investigates the use of ontologies as a means of providing semantic bridges between available news items from RSS [1] news feeds and the interests of a user. Specifically, it investigates the combination of AH techniques with the ideas of loose and strict ontologies as the basis for personalization. This combination is highlighted through the design, development and evaluation of the Personalized News Service (PNS), which is based on the APeLS architecture [2].
Owen Conlan, Ian O'Keeffe, Shane Tallon
Added 13 Jun 2010
Updated 13 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where AH
Authors Owen Conlan, Ian O'Keeffe, Shane Tallon
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