

Towards flexible mobile payment via mediator-based service model

14 years 9 months ago
Towards flexible mobile payment via mediator-based service model
Applications and digital goods for mobile devices have been around for more than a decade. Recent technology development has also driven the use of mobile commerce technology. Mobile commerce is another form of payment but it has the ability to embrace new ideas concerning digital money as mobile device have grown to become an essential personal needs. A range of businesses have already been thinking along these lines and tried to gear their ideas towards using the mobile phone as a payment device with the aim of making life simpler for consumer. Some applications are already driving the use of mobile phone as payment device with the purchase of digital goods such as ring-tones and games but this is just the beginning, as long as the technologies can iron out their differences and formulate a more cohesive technology platform. This paper suggests a mobile web services concept framework solution which allows mobile payment with flexible payment options for mobile consumers. Categories ...
Charles Chong, Hui-Na Chua, Cheng-Suan Lee
Added 13 Jun 2010
Updated 13 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Charles Chong, Hui-Na Chua, Cheng-Suan Lee
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