

Towards a logical multidimensional model for spatial data warehousing and OLAP

14 years 8 months ago
Towards a logical multidimensional model for spatial data warehousing and OLAP
Decision support systems (DSS) may be enhanced qualitatively if they are able to also deal with spatial dimensions and measures. Regardless the evident importance of using data warehousing and OLAP in DSS, the incorporation of spatial dimensions and measures enables to locate more efficiently tendencies in a given application domain, by using dynamic maps with zooming, panning, aggregation and other spatial functionalities. Therefore, it is necessary to converge two relatively consolidated technologies: Data Warehousing and Geographical Information Systems. This integration gives raise to a new research area called Spatial Data Warehousing (SDW), which introduces new research challenges. This paper proposes a novel logical multidimensional model suitable for SDW, which is implemented on the top of an object-relational database system with support for spatial data. Moreover, the paper addresses query optimization techniques to enhance performance and it describes a prototype, which has...
Marcus Costa Sampaio, Andre Gomes de Sousa, Cl&aac
Added 13 Jun 2010
Updated 13 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Marcus Costa Sampaio, Andre Gomes de Sousa, Cláudio de Souza Baptista
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