

Localization in underwater sensor networks: survey and challenges

14 years 8 months ago
Localization in underwater sensor networks: survey and challenges
In underwater sensor networks (UWSNs), determining the location of every sensor is important and the process of estimating the location of each node in a sensor network is known as localization. While various localization algorithms have been proposed for terrestrial sensor networks, there are relatively few localization schemes for UWSNs. The characteristics of underwater sensor networks are fundamentally different from that of terrestrial networks. Underwater acoustic channels are characterized by harsh physical layer environments with stringent bandwidth limitations. The variable speed of sound and the long propagation delays under water pose a unique set of challenges for localization in UWSN. This paper explores the different localization algorithms that are relevant to underwater sensor networks, and the challenges in meeting the requirements posed by emerging applications for such networks, e.g. offshore engineering. Categories and Subject Descriptors C.2 [Computer Communicatio...
Vijay R. Chandrasekhar, Winston Khoon Guan Seah, Y
Added 14 Jun 2010
Updated 14 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Vijay R. Chandrasekhar, Winston Khoon Guan Seah, Yoo Sang Choo, How Voon Ee
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