

Optimal-stretch name-independent compact routing in doubling metrics

14 years 8 months ago
Optimal-stretch name-independent compact routing in doubling metrics
We consider the problem of name-independent routing in doubling metrics. A doubling metric is a metric space whose doubling dimension is a constant, where the doubling dimension of a metric space is the least value α such that any ball of radius r can be covered by at most 2α balls of radius r/2. Given any δ > 0 and a weighted undirected network G whose shortest path metric d is a doubling metric with doubling dimension α, we present a name-independent routing scheme for G with (9+δ)-stretch, (2+ 1 δ )O(α) (log ∆)2 (log n)bit routing information at each node, and packet headers of size O(log n), where ∆ is the ratio of the largest to the smallest shortest path distance in G. In addition, we prove that for any ǫ ∈ (0, 8), there is a doubling metric network G with n nodes, doubling dimension α ≤ 6 − log ǫ, and ∆ = O(21/ǫ n) such that any name-independent routing scheme on G with routing information at each node of size o(n(ǫ/60)2 )-bits has stretch larger than...
Goran Konjevod, Andréa W. Richa, Donglin Xi
Added 14 Jun 2010
Updated 14 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where PODC
Authors Goran Konjevod, Andréa W. Richa, Donglin Xia
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