

Propagation of JML non-null annotations in Java programs

14 years 6 months ago
Propagation of JML non-null annotations in Java programs
Development of high quality code is extremely dicult. Tools that help maintaining the proper quality of code produced by programmers can be very useful: they may increase the quality of produced software and help managers to ensure that the product is ready for the market. One of such tools is ESC/Java2, a static checker of Java Modeling Language annotations. These annotations can be used to ensure that a certain assertion is satised during the execution of the program, among the others - to ensure that a certain variable never has a null value. Unfortunately, using ESC/Java2 can be very troublesome and time-consuming for programmers, as it lacks a friendly user interface and a function that propagates annotations. We present CANAPA, a tool that can highly reduce time and eort of eliminating Null Pointer Exceptions in Java code. This tool can automatically propagate JML non-null annotations and comes with a handy Eclipse plug-in. We believe that functionality of CANAPA will minimiz...
Maciej Cielecki, Jedrzej Fulara, Krzysztof Jakubcz
Added 14 Jun 2010
Updated 14 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where PPPJ
Authors Maciej Cielecki, Jedrzej Fulara, Krzysztof Jakubczyk, Lukasz Jancewicz
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