

Interactive environment-aware display bubbles

14 years 6 months ago
Interactive environment-aware display bubbles
Interactive environment-aware display bubbles have been introduced in a novel display metaphor [3] which allows screens to be instantiated with a freeform shape anywhere on demand. The bubbles are adapted either using a matching set of interaction schemes in a collaborative setting or as a reaction to occluders detected in the environment. In this paper, this novel display metaphor is evaluated in a user study. Based on various test scenarios in a tabletop setting, several usability issues are analyzed such as the suitability of freeform displays, focus and context areas, environment-aware adaptivity, laser pointer navigation, pie menus and several aspects of collaboration in general. The results show that the freeform displays and the related metaphor have a wide acceptance and allow the work to be performed in an effective way at an efficiency comparable to the one found in the well-established traditional systems. Author Keywords User study, usability, tabletop, adaptive displays, ...
Daniel Cotting, Markus H. Gross
Added 14 Jun 2010
Updated 14 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Where UIST
Authors Daniel Cotting, Markus H. Gross
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