

A realistic simulation of internet-scale events

14 years 8 months ago
A realistic simulation of internet-scale events
Internet-scale security incidents are becoming increasingly common, and the researchers need tools to replicate and study them in a controlled setting. Current network simulators, mathematical event models and testbed emulation cannot faithfully replicate events at such a large scale. They either omit or simplify the relevant features of the Internet environment to meet the scale challenge, thus compromising fidelity. We present a distributed worm spread simulator, called PAWS, that builds a realistic Internet model, including the AS-level topology, the limited link bandwidths, and the legitimate traffic patterns. PAWS can support diversity of Internet participants at any desired granularity, because it simulates each vulnerable host individually. Faithful replication of Internet environment, its diversity and its interaction with the simulated event, all lead to a high-fidelity simulation that can be used to study event dynamics and evaluate possible defenses. While PAWS is customi...
Songjie Wei, Jelena Mirkovic
Added 14 Jun 2010
Updated 14 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2006
Authors Songjie Wei, Jelena Mirkovic
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