In this paper a 3D tracking system for Virtual Environments is presented which utilizes infrared (IR) laser technology. Invisible laser patterns are projected from the user(s) to the screen via the input device Sceptre or the appending headtracking device. IR-sensible cameras which are placed near the projectors in a backprojection setup recognize the pattern. That way position and orientation of the input devices is reconstructed. The infrared laser is not seen by human eye and therefore does not disturb the immersion. Categories and Subject Descriptors I.3.1 [Hardware Architecture]: Input devices; I.3.6 [Methodology and Techniques]: Interaction techniques; B.4.2 [Input/Output Devices]: Channels and controllers General Terms Algorithms, Human Factors Keywords IR-Laser, Tracking, 3D-Reconstruction, Laser pattern
Christian Wienss, Igor N. Nikitin, Gernot Goebbels