

Agile Metrics at the Israeli Air Force

14 years 8 months ago
Agile Metrics at the Israeli Air Force
It is a significant challenge to implement and research agile software development methods in organizations such as the army. Since it differs from organizations in the industry and the academia, data gathered in the army and its continuous analysis may enrich the community knowledge abut agile methods. This work describes a research, conducted during an entire release, about one development team at the Israeli Air Force that works according to Extreme Programming. The establishment of this team and the investigation of the first release is part of a long-term process, started last year, aiming to reduce delivery time while raising communication and customer collaboration. Among several themes this research is concerned with, we focus on agile metrics and provide a metrics mechanism that was established and refined along the release development.
Yael Dubinsky, David Talby, Orit Hazzan, Arie Kere
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Yael Dubinsky, David Talby, Orit Hazzan, Arie Keren
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