

Consistent graph layout for weighted graphs

14 years 8 months ago
Consistent graph layout for weighted graphs
In this paper we present three algorithms that build graph layouts for undirected, weighted graphs. Our goal is to generate layouts that are consistent with the weights in the graph. All of the algorithms are force-oriented and have been successful in solving the problem up to a certain precision. They all start with a random layout and improve it by iteratively repositioning the vertices to reduce the current error. The first two methods move the vertices along one edge at a time, either by selecting it randomly, or by following a breadth-first strategy. The third method computes the result of all of the tension forces occurring in each vertex and moves all of them in each step along the resulting vectors. We also show that if we start building the layout with a robust method and then refine the configuration with a more precise one, we can improve the quality of the solution.
Dana Vrajitoru, Jason DeBoni
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Dana Vrajitoru, Jason DeBoni
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