

Simulation-based Validation and Defect Localization for Evolving, Semi-Formal Requirements Models

14 years 8 months ago
Simulation-based Validation and Defect Localization for Evolving, Semi-Formal Requirements Models
When requirements models are developed in an iterative and evolutionary way, requirements validation becomes a major problem. In order to detect and fix problems early, the specification should be validated as early as possible, and should also be revalidated after each evolutionary step. In this paper, we show how the ideas of continuous integration and automatic regression testing in the field of coding can be adapted for simulation-based, automatic revalidation of requirements models after each incremental step. While the basic idea is fairly obvious, we are confronted with a major obstacle: requirements models under development are incomplete and semi-formal most of the time, while classic simulation approaches require complete, formal models. We present how we can simulate incomplete, semi-formal models by interactively recording missing behavior or functionality. However, regression simulations must run automatically and do not permit interactivity. We therefore have develope...
Christian Seybold, Silvio Meier
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Christian Seybold, Silvio Meier
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