

Real-time H/W Implementation of the Approximate Discrete Radon Transform

14 years 8 months ago
Real-time H/W Implementation of the Approximate Discrete Radon Transform
The Radon transform (RT) is a widely studied algorithm used to perform image pattern extraction in fields such as computer graphics, medical imagery, and avionics. Real-time implementation of the discrete RT (DRT) is extremely difficult due to its use of complex trigonometric functions and O(N3 ) time complexity, making its use in video applications difficult. A O(N2 lgN) approximate discrete (ADRT) has been presented in literature [1] that allows highly parallel computation. This paper presents an architecture that uses the ADRT to create a computation architecture known as the xADRT. Performance analysis indicates that it can achieve a refresh rate of 10 frames per second for use in real-time image processing applications.
Michael T. Frederick, Nathan A. VanderHorn, Arun K
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ASAP
Authors Michael T. Frederick, Nathan A. VanderHorn, Arun K. Somani
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