Abstract— This paper provides a concise modeling and performance evaluation of the iSCSI storage area network (SAN) architecture and protocol. SANs play a key role in business continuity, enterprise-wide storage consolidation and disaster recovery strategies in which storage resources are most often distributed over many distant data center locations. In the future, SAN traffic will be transported over IP-based networks, e. g., enterprise virtual private networks, to benefit from converged networks and save cost. In these scenarios, the impact of end-to-end delay and QoS of broadband networks on SAN performance is critical and has to be well understood by IT departments when deploying IPstorage solutions and network operators when designing transport network services for SAN applications. In this context, we propose models for iSCSI write requests over TCP/IP networks, e. g., as used in asynchronous mirroring applications. In addition to the analysis for individual requests we pres...
Christoph M. Gauger, Martin Köhn, Sebastian G