

An XML-Based Framework for Language Neutral Program Representation and Generic Analysis

14 years 8 months ago
An XML-Based Framework for Language Neutral Program Representation and Generic Analysis
XML applications are becoming increasingly popular to define structured or semi-structured constrained data in XML for special application areas. In pursuit there is a growing momentum of activities related to XML representation of source code in the area of program comprehension and software reengineering. The source code and the artifacts extracted from a program are necessarily structured information that needs to be stored and exchanged among different tools. This makes XML to be a natural choice to be used as the external representation formats for program representations. Most of the XML tations proposed so far abstract the source code at the AST level. These AST representations are tightly coupled with the language grammar of the source code and hence require development of different tools for different programming languages to perform the same type of analysis. Moreover AST s the program at a very fine level of granularity and hence not suitable to be used directly for higher-...
Raihan Al-Ekram, Kostas Kontogiannis
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where CSMR
Authors Raihan Al-Ekram, Kostas Kontogiannis
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