

The Mobile Internet: The Pioneering Users' Adoption Decisions

14 years 6 months ago
The Mobile Internet: The Pioneering Users' Adoption Decisions
Substantial financial and technological investments by private and public organizations have resulted in the delivery of the third generation mobile technologies, although the journey has not always been smooth. This study aims to uncover some of the challenges and/or opportunities faced by the mobile Internet through systemic examination of the research question: How do the pioneering adopters of the mobile Internet reach their adoption decisions? This research question is empirically addressed through an exploratory quantitative survey. The survey instrument is partially founded on Rogers’ Innovation Diffusion Theory (IDT) and partially anchored in a number of dialogues with practitioners of the mobile Internet industry. The survey contains information from 222 (N) respondents who actively utilized the mobile Internet in the Danish market at the beginning of 2002.Ten significant components emerged from the survey while utilizing correlation analysis and nonparametric testing. This...
Ann Fogelgren-Pedersen
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Ann Fogelgren-Pedersen
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