

Multi-resolution Abnormal Trace Detection Using Varied-length N-grams and Automata

14 years 8 months ago
Multi-resolution Abnormal Trace Detection Using Varied-length N-grams and Automata
Detection and diagnosis of faults in a large-scale distributed system is a formidable task. Interest in monitoring and using traces of user requests for fault detection has been on the rise recently. In this paper we propose novel fault detection methods based on abnormal trace detection. One essential problem is how to represent the large amount of training trace data compactly as an oracle. Our key contribution is the novel use of varied-length n-grams and automata to characterize normal traces. A new trace is compared against the learned automata to determine whether it is abnormal. We develop algorithms to automatically extract n-grams and construct multi-resolution automata from training data. Further both deterministic and multihypothesis algorithms are proposed for detection. We inspect the trace constraints of real application software and verify the existence of long n-grams. Our approach is tested in a real system with injected faults and achieves good results in experiments...
Guofei Jiang, Haifeng Chen, Cristian Ungureanu, Ke
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Where ICAC
Authors Guofei Jiang, Haifeng Chen, Cristian Ungureanu, Kenji Yoshihira
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