

Cursive word skew/slant corrections based on Radon transform

14 years 8 months ago
Cursive word skew/slant corrections based on Radon transform
This paper presents two fast and robust algorithms for word skew and slant corrections based on Radon transform. For the skew correction, we maximize a global measure which is defined by Radon transform of image and its gradient to estimate the slope. For the slant correction, Radon transform is used to estimate the long strokes and a word slant is measured by the average angle of these long strokes. Compared with the previous methods, these two algorithms do not require the setting of parameters heuristically. Moreover, the algorithms perform well on words of short length, where the traditional methods usually fail.
Jian-xiong Dong, Dominique Ponson, Adam Krzyzak, C
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Jian-xiong Dong, Dominique Ponson, Adam Krzyzak, Ching Y. Suen
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