

A Statistical Learning Approach To Document Image Analysis

14 years 6 months ago
A Statistical Learning Approach To Document Image Analysis
In the field of computer analysis of document images, the problems of physical and logical layout analysis have been approached through a variety of heuristic, rule-based, and grammar-based techniques. In this paper we investigate the effectiveness of statistical pattern recognition algorithms for solving these two problems, and report results suggesting that these more complex and powerful techniques are worth pursuing. First, we developed a new software environment for manual page image segmentation and labeling, and used it to create a dataset containing 932 page images from academic journals. Next, a physical layout analysis algorithm based on a logistic regression classifier was developed, and found to outperform existing algorithms of comparable complexity. Finally, three statistical classifiers were applied to the logical layout analysis problem, also with encouraging results.
Kevin Laven, Scott Leishman, Sam T. Roweis
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Kevin Laven, Scott Leishman, Sam T. Roweis
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