

Visual Steganalysis of LSB-Encoded Natural Images

14 years 6 months ago
Visual Steganalysis of LSB-Encoded Natural Images
Contemporary steganographic systems encode hidden messages inside the least significant bit layers of colour natural images. The presence of these messages is difficult to detect through statistical attacks. This study examined whether humans could detect steganography in natural images using a controlled 2AFC discrimination task. While d’>1 was observed for colour layers 3-8, Layer 1 had a negative d’. Thus, Layer 1 embedding is highly resistant to visual attack, since observers were more likely to indicate the presence of steganography in the control image than the embedded image.
Paul Andrew Watters, Frances Martin, H. Steffen St
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Paul Andrew Watters, Frances Martin, H. Steffen Stripf
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