

Partition-Based Parallel PageRank Algorithm

14 years 8 months ago
Partition-Based Parallel PageRank Algorithm
A re-ranking technique,called “PageRank brings a successful story behind the search engine. Many studies focus on finding an way to compute the PageRank scores of a large web graph. Researchers propose to compute them sequentially by reducing the cost of disk access, improving the convergence rate, or even employing Peer-2-Peer architecture, etc. However, only afew concentrate on computation using parallel processing techniques. In this paper, we propose a Partition-based parallel PageRank algorithm that can be run on a low-cost parallel environment like PC cluster. For comparison, we also study other two well-known PageRank techniques, and provide an analytical discussion of their performance in terms synchronization cost, as well as memory usage. Experimental results show a promising improvement on a large web graph synthesized from the domain.
Arnon Rungsawang, Bundit Manaskasemsak
Added 24 Jun 2010
Updated 24 Jun 2010
Type Conference
Year 2005
Authors Arnon Rungsawang, Bundit Manaskasemsak
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